Gerold Miller, Galerie Nikolaus Ruzicska, 07/17

Friday, 20th July – Friday, 31st August 2017

Galerie Nikolaus Ruzicska

Faistauergasse 12

5020 Salzburg, Austria


In the group of works entitled SECTION, now exhibited for the first time, GEROLD MILLER expands his vocabulary with the clear, simple shape of the rectangle, up-ended on to a corner which has been cut off. Each resulting pentagon is divided into two monochrome components: black/white, red/blue and black matt/black gloss. The three large-scale works reflect the viewer as well as the surrounding space, which is dominated by free-standing sculptures called VERSTÄRKER [amplifiers]. These objects, which consist of three struts, literally amplify our spatial perception: height, width and depth illustrate vividly their three-dimensionality.

GEROLD MILLER has always used the device of repetition in his work. When he has decided on a form, he varies it – whether in his SECTION series or in the VERSTÄRKER – by modifying colour and size. Through its height of 220 cm alone, the glossy red “amplifier” draws all eyes to itself, its monochrome colouration giving it an elegant, majestic appearance. The smallest “amplifier” in our exhibition is remarkable for its bold combination of pink/red/black. The gilded, polished aluminium of further angles conveys a costly, exquisite materiality.

Apart from the fact that the production of the works entails a highly technified process in order to achieve absolute perfection and precision, the artist’s creative act is a traditional one. His study of sculpture at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design is still perceptible. He draws by hand, with no technical aids, makes prototypes of his works, and tests the physical presence of his colour choice in different light situations. With SECTION and VERSTÄRKER GEROLD MILLER demonstrates once again that with his reduced canon of forms and colours he can continue to create new, outstanding compositions.