Schnee fällt hinterm Berge

Avlskarl Gallery proudly presents “Schnee fällt hinterm Berge” (“Snow falls behind the mountains”), a group show curated by Gregor Hildebrandt. The show will feature works in shades of white by a wide range of international artists:

Johannes Albers
Olivia Berckemeyer
Matthias Bitzer
Lynda Benglis
John Bock
Björn Dahlem
Amélie Esterházy
Andi Fischer
Bernard Frize
Gabriel de la Mora
Axel Geis
Raimund Girke
Gregor Hildebrandt
Leiko Ikemura
Caro Jost
Manuel Kirsch
Jürgen Krause
Alicja Kwade
Florian Meisenberg
Isa Melsheimer
Olaf Metzel
Gerold Miller
Manfred Pernice
Gerd Rohling
Anselm Reyle
Robert Ryman
Michael Sailstorfer
Karin Sander
Erik Schmidt
Chris Succo
Milen Till
John Torreano
Jorinde Voigt
Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Thomas Zipp

Gregor Hildebrandt on “Schnee fällt hinterm Berge”
“Morten asked if I would be interested in creating a show in his gallery. I was really looking forward to doing this kind of group show with works that are interesting for me. The idea comes from a private collection in my home that I’m running together with my partner. There is this one room, where we also sleep, where we have mostly white works. It started by accident with some paper pieces by Jürgen Krause and Jorinde Voigt. Then, we found out the pieces were mostly white, and I started to collect more white works, like ones by Gabriel De La Mora and a paper piece by Robert Berry. This was the starting point for the show, to create a group show with all white pieces.”